Tuesday, November 3, 2009

| Halloween Fun |


Halloween was an exciting, non-stop voyage to middle earth here at OG; middle earth representing the deep bond of friendship evolving here as we continue to put down our ego-based, behavioral patterns and dive into trust, faith and love.

We celebrated with heartfelt conversations and a Solfeggio Meditation, http://www.solfeggiotones.com/ preceded by a welcoming, OM Meditation offered to our unborn child complete with all residents' hands on Moni's belly. Of course laughter, great food and music also accompanied the festivities. Overall, it was great to spend a holiday – who's theme is shrouded in fear – practicing love.

Earlier in the week, Vince's mom Linda was visiting. She brought her joyful presence to the garden and a willingness to help that we can all learn from. Prestin and Linda gathered walnuts from the neighbors tree and cracked open hundreds of shells. I, on the other hand, busied myself with making a "mixed-variety grape juice" from our vines here at OG. Mmmmm.

We also welcomed our last two residents, Ben & Melissa to the garden. Ben has been my best friend since 7th grade. He is a landscape artist and a fabulous painter. Melissa, voted one of the top 10 photographers in Colorado 2009, is looking to expand her business to the Northwest. Here is her website for references, http://www.melissarich.com/.

This Thursday, November 5th marks the official appointment that should reveal our baby's sex to us for the first time... OMG, I can't wait!!! I will leave you with this... Wisdom is like water, beneficial to all without striving for anything.

Om Shanti~

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