Thursday, December 9, 2010

| Happy Holidaze! |


Here we are at the end of 2010 and we still have all of our limbs in tact, our spirits are high, and country living has not broken us city kids... in fact, just the opposite. I feel that the bond of our friendships is strengthening everyday, yes, even in spite of our Guru Larry's repeated attempts to sabotage our mission of living EGO free. Love you, Dad!

Overall, it's been a strange year with lots of big changes here at Om Gardens. From the birth of our 3 new babies to the in/out flow of OG residents, 2010 has definitely provided lots of opportunity for transformation.

I am excited for 2011, as it will undoubtedly mark the launch of my 6th major music project (Hostage Symphony, 12 Volt Sex, Loveshack, The Side Room, Mato, KOR) and 8th studio album. Wow. Life is moving fast.

Please hold the ones you love close & tight this season (especially yourself) and enjoy the blissful spring of joy that is bubbling up inside of each one of us eternally.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for." - Hopi Tribe

Om Shanti~

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