Saturday, February 6, 2010


Namaste ~

I am sitting here with my trusty co-pilot, Prestin, and we are finally adding another entry into the Om Gardens Blog. Sorry, it's been awhile but there has been much to do over the last few weeks including a baby shower in Vegas!

Prestin will be 10 years old on February 15th and would love to receive as many presents as you can send; more than anything... he'd like a 4 piece drum set! He's been making huge strides in his ability to play hand drums and just recently, on my dad's birthday (Feb. 4th), he was able to sit in with local band, Shasta Ray & The Down Home Band - Prestin's official first gig. Wow! We are so proud of our budding musician.

Enclosed are some updated photos of our progress. This weekend, we've replaced the cover on one of our greenhouses and started painting our residence a lovely shade of Frosted Green Grape thanks to Buck, Vince and Ben.

Benjamin and Melissa have been a real beautiful addition to the OG family and we're looking forward to getting them formally settled in the not so distant future. Although, currently they are occupying one of our otherwise vacant buildings and have made it quite homey. Monica and I seem to spend more time in their place than our temporary room in the main house.

In other news, Monica's little turkey timer is about to pop as we get closer to her expected delivery date. The countdown to fatherhood is upon me and I am excited to see my daughter's face for the first time.

Anyway, that's all for now. Feel free to send us LOTS of cash : ) if you would like to contribute to the progress here (upper right corner). Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Love, light, happiness, joy, inner peace.

Om Shanti~

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