Thursday, January 7, 2010

| Happy 2010 |

Namaste and HAPPY NEW YEAR~

2010 is HERE! We are diving in – full steam ahead. The boys are pounding away on our abode, replacing windows, and preparing the nest for our BABY GIRL arriving in March.

Our wood burning stoves have been keeping us warm and cozy this season but our septic tank is not such a joy. Tons of rain last week raised our septic tank levels a bit too high so we've added that to the ever increasing list of "things to upgrade" here at our country settlement.

This weekend we will begin the process of pruning our pear & apple trees, grape vines and other trees & bushes to beautify the lower garden. We've been lucky so far in January with daytime temperatures in the mid 50's.

As for me... I've been busy with graphic design work, finishing the KOR record, and pitching in with community responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, Yoga instruction and more.

I hope that anyone reading this is enjoying life and laughing as much as we do up here at OG.

Peace, Peace, Peace.

Om Shanti~

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