Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Christmas is upon us and 2009 is almost a thing of the past. We have been busy at the garden but not without some fun here and there. A few of us ventured north last week for a Zero 7 concert in Portland. Jason and Megan Coleman were gracious enough to host the OG crew in their adorable pumpkin colored home.

Some of you may remember Jason as the bass player for 12 Volt Sex. He and his wife, Megan, operate a recycled glass tile business in Portland. I believe I mentioned it a while back but anyway here is their company web link again: http://www.stardustglasstile.com/

On a personal note: I am too excited for the arrival of our daughter in March. We are steering towards the name Maya Rose for our little pearl. Here are some pics of Monica and Maya in the lower garden.

We wish you all love, peace and the joy of floating downstream. Let go of the oars and allow your boats to float freely. It's the journey, not the destination.

Om Shanti~

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post! We miss you guys! Hope you have a great holiday and see you in a few months. Love, Deborah and Willie
